Abies grandis

Botanical Name: Abies grandis
Common Name: grand fir, great silver fir, western white fir, Vancouver fir
Family Name: Pinaceae
Distribution/Origin: Pacific Northwest

Leaf: Needle-like, Flat, Rounded tips, 2 white lines of stomata below, Glabrous, Lustrous, Soft/flexible, Linear/Acuminate/Entire, Distinct smell,*Arranged in 2 distinct horizontal rows
Bud: Alternate
Inflorescence: Brown, Male cone

Fruit/Seed: Cone, Winged seeds, Green, *Cylindrical - erect in crown - fall apart, Sep/Oct
Stem/Bark: Moderately fissured, Grey, Thin resin blisters

Size: Height: Up to - 30m/Spread: 10 - 15m
Habit: Upright
Form: Columnar, Pyramidal-narrowly, "Blob top"

Soil: Well-drained
Moisture: Low
Sun: Full sun
Exposure: Filtered shade
Hardiness zone(USDA): 5 - 7

Landscape use: Specimen plant, Forestry

Notes: Perennial,*Winter ID - 3 or more buds present at terminal ends

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