Abies lasiocarpa

Botanical Name: Abies lasiocarpa
Common Name: subalpine fir, Rocky Mountain fir
Family Name: Pinaceae
Distribution/Origin: Yukon, British Columbia, W. Alberta

Leaf: Needle-like, Round/notched tips, Blueish-green, Single white band on top/Two beneath, Distinct smell(toothpaste-like)
Bud: Radial, Spiraled
Fruit/Seed: Cone, Deep-purple, Grow upright at the top on the crown, Like other firs cones disintegrate on the tree leaving a central spike, Pollen cones are bluish 
Stem/Bark: Smooth, Grey, Resin blisters when young, Becomes broken into large scales when mature

Size: Height: 20 - 50m/Spread: 10 - 15m
Habit: Upright
Form: Pyramidal-widely

Soil: Well-drained
Moisture: Moderate, Low
Sun: Full sun, Partial sun
Exposure: Partial shade, Filtered shade
Hardiness zone(USDA): 5- 6

Landscape use: Specimen plant, Forestry

Notes: Perennial,*Distinct long narrow crown, *Distinct toothpaste-like smell when leaves are rubbed

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