Arctostaphylos columbiana

Botanical Name:
Arctostaphylos columbiana
Common Name: hairy manzanita
Family Name: Ericaceae
Distribution/Origin: W. North America

Arctostaphylos columbiana is a species of manzanita. It is native to the coast of western North America from northern California to British Columbia. This large manzanita is a treelike shrub- occasionally reaching heights of up to ten meters. It is erect with hairy branches, the smaller twigs bearing long bristles tipped with sticky glands. The leaves are oval-shaped and may be 6 centimeters long and 3 wide, dull green, fuzzy, and glandular on both surfaces. The small, white, urn-shaped flowers are borne in bunched inflorescences. The fruit is a red drupe about a centimeter in diameter.

Soil: Acidic, Well-drained
Moisture: Low
Sun: Full sun, Partial sun
Exposure: Partial shade

Landscape uses: Native planting, Woodland margin, Accent planting, Shrub, Mixed shrub border

Pest Susceptibility: Galls, Rust, Fungal leaf spot

Notes: Native, Broadleaf evergreen, The seed requires either fire or consumption by animals in order for germination to occur. This manzanita grows in forested areas and has been known to become a weed on Christmas tree farms

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