Rhododendron albiflorum

Botanical Name: Rhododendron albiflorum
Common Name: white rhododendron
Family Name: Ericaceae
Distribution/Origin: British Columbia, N.W. United States

Description: A small, flowering shrub growing to a height of 90 - 210 cm

Distinguishing Features: Flowers: 1 to 4; white, bowl-shaped, clustered in leaf axils along the stem; corolla 1.5 - 2 cm wide, with five round lobes; ten stamens, hairy near base. Leaves: 3.8 - 10 cm long, broadly lanceolate, with short petioles. Flowering: June to August. 

Habitat: Native to British Columbia and Rocky Mountains; south to Oregon; east to western Montana; in wet mountain habitats.

Notes: The flowers of the White Rhododendron are mildly citrus-scented. The name Rhododendron comes from the Greek rhodon meaning "rose" and dendron meaning "tree".

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