Iris danfordiae

Botanical Name: Iris danfordiae
Common Name: dwarf iris
Family Name: Iridaceae
Distribution/Origin: Turkey

Description: This is a yellow-flowered reticulata iris. It is a low-growing bulbous iris that blooms at about the same time as snowdrops (Galanthus), glory-of-the-snow (Chionodoxa) and the early crocuses. Bright primrose-yellow, 2” diameter flowers with tiny brown or black spots on the falls appear on naked stems growing 4” tall. Narrow, grass-like leaves elongate to 12” after bloom, but eventually disappear by late spring as the plants go dormant. Flowers have a sweet fragrance. Easily grown in average, medium, well-drained soil in full sun to part shade. Soil needs to stay relatively dry in summer in order for the bulbs to set buds for the following year. Plant bulbs 3-4” deep and space 3-4” apart in fall. Bulbs tend to separate into offsets or bulblets after bloom (particularly when planted shallowly), with each new bulblet requiring several years to mature. Although bulbs can be dug and divided (offsets removed) after bloom, it is probably best to do this only if flowering has significantly declined. In order to insure consistent flowering from year to year, it is an option to plant supplemental bulbs each fall, or to grow this plant as an annual by planting new bulbs each fall.

Landscape uses:  Massed in sunny areas of rock gardens, border fronts, along walkways, streams or ponds, Small groups of this small plant can get lost in the landscape

Notes: Herbaceous perennial

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