Rhododendron dauricum

Botanical Name: Rhododendron dauricum
Common Name: rhododendron dauricum
Family Name: Ericaceae
Distribution/Origin: Eastern Siberia, Mongolia, China, Japan

Details: 'Mid-winter' is a medium-sized deciduous or semi-evergreen shrub. A compact, small-leaved rhododendron, that is native to sub-alpine forests and forest margins in the Altai Mountains from Russia into Mongolia, eastern Siberia, Sakhalin Island, northern China, Japan and Korea. This rhododendron was reportedly first collected in Dauria, a mountainous region in southeastern Siberia east of Lake Baikal, hence the specific epithet and common name. It is a compact, vigorous, early-blooming shrub that typically matures over time to 4-6' tall and as wide. Open funnel-shaped, pink to violet pink flowers to 1 1/2" bloom as early as January in warm winter climates, in terminal clusters at the branch ends or from the upper leaf axils. Small, leathery, shiny green, elliptic to oblong leaves to 2" long are semi-evergreen with purplish tints in mild winter locations, but close to deciduous near the northern edge of the growing range. Plant vigor, excellent winter hardiness, and early bloom make this an attractive plant for hybridization. Best grown in acidic, humus organically rich, moisture-retentive but well-drained soils in part shade. Prefers a sun dappled shade. Foliage may scorch in full sun. Acidify soils prior to planting and thereafter as needed. Plant in a location protected from strong winter winds. Good soil drainage is essential. Poor drainage inevitably leads to root rot. Shallow, fibrous root systems (do not cultivate around plants) will benefit greatly from a mulch (e.g., wood chips, bark or pine needles) to help retain moisture and stabilize soil temperatures. Roots must never be allowed to dry out. Clip off spent flower clusters immediately after bloom as practicable.

Landscape uses: Mass/Group planting, Specimen plant,  Mixed shrub border, Woodland margins, Shade gardens,  Informal hedge

Notes: Semi-evergreen shrub

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